Sunday, October 2, 2022


"Hope is what people of faith have instead of facts."
-Nick Yaekle
Oct 2, 2023

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Thursday, July 21, 2022

A Fire

On July 15, 2022, around 4:30am, a fire ravaged through my home, destroying everything I've owned.  Thankfully, no one was injured.
But at nearly fifty years old I find myself starting over again from scratch. Momentos are gone and all I have are memories to last the rest of whatever time I have left on earth. 
I'll certainly trust cloud storage more from now on for writing.
Let the healing begin.
The rest of my life will now be measured as before fire and after. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


"People want change until they get it; then they want change."
-Nick Yaekle
November 3, 2021

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Inauguration 2021: America's Back

In one hour and five minutes, America will set out to correct the error and tragedy of the past four years. 
May all success come to President Joe Biden and my favorite politician since Secretary Hillary Clinton, Vice President Kamala Harris!
Our nation once again will take it's place as the leader of the free world.
May we NEVER make the same tragic mistake ever again!


I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the radical, attempted coup from tRump and his supporters that occurred on January 6, 2021.
Our democracy survived that and the tragic error that has been the past four years.
The damage tRump did to our nation hasn't even begun to be discovered.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

YouTube Channel Nicholas Yaekle

Please feel free to check out my varied YouTube channel. No politics, yet! Check out my 2020 Christmas vintage, retro and modern retro-vintage style interior Christmas decorations. YouTube Channel

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election 2020 Pre-Close Predictions

Final analysis.

Watch Florida, North Carolina or Arizona. One of those in Biden's column & there's once again hope for this once great country.

I feel ok with Wisconsin and Michigan. Pennsylvania is iffy. As the great James Carville once said, "Pennsylvania is Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between."

If I had to call any we'd lose that we usually carry, I'm a little concerned with New Hampshire and Nevada.

Florida remains America's toilet, so it's hard to tell. But I'll say we lose Florida.

And I can't believe I'm saying this, but there's great hope in Georgia and a little less even in Texas.  Jon Osoff might win Senate, but with Georgia's odd 50% rule, it's hard to tell.

MJ Hagar could pull off a victory in Texas for Senate, but that would be pie in the sky.

Watch Senate in Mississippi. I don't know why but I've got this weird feeling about Espy pulling off the upset of the evening here. Mississippi has the highest population of black Americans in the nation, but they've been disenfranchised for decades.

Ohio- too many stupid, ignorant, redneck "I'm not racist-i like Charlie Pride" likely. Sad that Ohio has become West Virginia West or Alabama North. But I think Ohio will be closer this time.

The ACTUAL election interference and fraud being perpetrated by the Republican party nationwide this cycle is absolutely disgusting. All while once again only able to run on lies and scare tactics, and made up conspiracy theories. What's more shocking, the number of people willing to blindly accept any of the massive lies and vitriol from tRump.  People I once thought had at least some modicum of common sense proved me wrong this disastrous past four years. 

Dems pick up between 8-12 House seats, and the greatest Speaker of the House ever retains her gavel.

Dems win the Senate, but more narrow than some think. I do feel Bullock will pick up Montana for us. I think the candidate I'm doing work for this cycle, Mark Kelly in Arizona will pick up, as well as Hickenlooper in Colorado.  Hoping Harrison beats Miss Lindsey in SC but again, unlikely.

I think Dems will also pick up Maine and North Carolina.

Dems add to state houses, including possibly Texas.

And Vice President Joe Biden & Senator Kamala Harris will defeat the worst president in the history of this country to restore decency, honor, intelligence, responsibility, leadership, respect & integrity back to this nation. (And Republicans will continue to try to defame Hunter Biden because it's the only thing they EVER do.)

And our victories will once again be largely due to the courage and dedication of black women and other women of color. I salute them all and aspire for all of us to be that dedicated.
Also, the courage of the younger generation making more of an impact than any in our history before them. I'm so proud of this generation.

But my biggest excitement will come when tRump is indicted on countless felonies both as president & outside and that motherfucker is put where he belongs.

(And I didn't even get to the colossal failure and quarter of a million lives killed by tRumps disastrous, calamitous response to covid-19!)

Monday, November 2, 2020

Election Eve 2020

Tomorrow night, watch Arizona, Florida and North Carolina.  If Biden wins any if those, tRump is toast & America can once again begin the process of becoming a global leader.


Biden must wins
and Nevada

Also, keep an eye on New Hampshire. I'm troubled by it and Nevada more than usual. 

I'm optimistic about the Senate but again, a little concerned about Gary Peters in Michigan.

My outlier on this one is MJ Hagar in Texas, with the number of new young voters.  I'm not as confident about Georgia and Jon Osoff because of their 50% in order to win mandate.

We'll lose Alabama, but pick up Arizona and Colorado.  I also suggest watching Mississippi. I feel Espy might pull off the surprise of the night.

Still hoping Jaimie Harrison can beat Miss Lindsey Graham in South Carolina, but hard to tell. Same in North Carolina.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Sunday, March 15, 2020

2020 Ohio Democratic Primary

Tuesday, Ohio holds our primary for the Democratic nomination for president.
This is in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.
Knowing Bernie's supporters are younger, it is imperative for us supporters of Vice President Joe Biden get out to vote for him. 
I don't want Bernie to do well simply because Biden voters are scared to vote. 


"Hope is what people of faith have instead of facts." -Nick Yaekle Oct 2, 2023